All Medical Data Sheet on your smartphone (Offline):Unexpected birth extrahospitalAntebrachial splintMerles splintDipstickIliofascial block of the adultIliofascial block of the childPeripheral blocks of the handPeripheral blocks of the footFootbootArterial catheterizationFemoral venous catheterizationcricothyroidotomyTranscranial DopplerThoracic drainagedefibrillationExcision of external hemorrhoidsPostpartum haemorrhageImaging of abdominal traumaFast sequence inductionIntubation in emergencyAntebrachial cuffScaphoide cuffLong cranked chuckLaryngeal intubation maskPulse oximetryPlaster Brachio Ante-Brachio-PalmaireArterial puncture for blood gasAscites PuncturePuncture of the kneeLumbar puncturePleural puncturePericardial puncturePose and removal of DujarierGastric probe (poses)Thrombolysis or fibrinolysisTractions in limb traumatologyIn utero transferTransfusion of platelet unitsRed Transfusion of Red Globular CapsUse of MEOPAMechanical ventilation in an emergency situationAdult noninvasive ventilationNoninvasive ventilation in pediatricsIntraosseous pathwayCentral venous pathway